Interface and application programming


I have a grasshopper script for transcoding G-code for the dishuBot and some lingering disabilities. I think it would be interesting to explore the possibility of using the Firefly grasshopper plugin to control the motors and pump in place of GRBL. Then, I will remove one additional step in the process of sending instruction to the robot and gain control. For instance, I always intended to separate the control of the two Y-axis movement motors so the robot would be free to draw outside of a straight line. Currently, 4-axis movement is an early stage branch of GRBL.

Interface and application programming posts...

  • Fireflies and grasshoppers.
  • I would like to start with the Firefly plugin in Grasshopper and see if I can control a stepper motor. If I can get a successful start with that, then I might be able to incorporate dishuBot controls through Grasshopper/ Firefly rather than GRBL. This would be directly connected to my G-code transcoder. There are a few challenges. One, Firefly has not been released on the MacOS, my operating system. Two, I need to learn to setup code for the board to accept commands through serial from Firefly. This is an example of Firefly reading and parsing live hand tracking...

  • Processing Light Graph
  • Enough with the tutorials. Now I would like to start putting these together with some kind of simple visual or audio interface connected to sensor readings. I started by looking at this former Fab Academy student's work mapping phototransistor settings to a dynamically configurable 3D model. He was able to combine sensor readings from arduino with a Processing sketch from Open Processing Org, a wonderful place for sharing processing sketches. I went there with the intention to grab a sketch, however I was a little overwhelmed so instead I started looking at former Fab Academy students' pages for a sketch...

  • Processing : coming around.
  • In graduate school, I had the fortune of learning a bit of Processing, which I used in an interactive design project called FIZZLE in Hollywood. That was then, this is now. Now is a time when I have forgotten everything. Until today. From the processing website: "Processing is a simple programming environment that was created to make it easier to develop visually oriented applications with an emphasis on animation and providing users with instant feedback through interaction. The developers wanted a means to “sketch” ideas in code. As its capabilities have expanded over the past decade, Processing has come to...